Sunday, November 2, 2014

Goon bug so happy

+We got home and the neighbors stopped over to introduce their daughter to Dallas monster. Cathy the neighbor who watched Luna goon lovesss the animals and her daughter has goats, a rescue German shepherd, and a pig at her house so they are true animal lovers. The animals gave them all love and Dallas showed off his bones and babies to their daughter Molly. Cathy said she felt bad that Luna was alone so she stopped over 5 times a day to just hang out with her! Luna was definitely not as stressed as usual when we got home which was so nice to see. The husband Paul said he was wondering if Cathy would just scoop Luna up and take her to their house so she wouldn't be alone haha. We might consider that option for longer trips especially if Dallas will be staying with them too. Anyway we felt soo blessed to have such great neighbors who love animals like we do and to love ours so much. Goon bug definitely missed her family though and followed me around the rest of the night. She slept by her brother all night long anf if he moved to a new spot on the bed so did she. So cute!

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