Monday, September 1, 2014

Cleaning days are no fun

Cleaning is no fun for anyone. Dallas is so bored right now!! Well I wouldn't say goon had a bad day. She loves going through closets and bins with me and exploring new spaces to lay down. We found the window perch again and goon loves it. She does think the plastic holders are for biting so unfortunately at some point she will learn that when she bites through those plastic cords she will fall.
Goon also scared me last night in not using her litter box at all and I of course was worried and thought about taking her to the vet. Well she decided that going to church and the store was too long to leave her at the house and she wanted to send me a message that she will not be left alone without she used a kitchen bag as her bathroom. I was soo mad!!! She has such a little attitude sometimes! Good news is Dustin and I are looking into a small travel trailer so we can take both goon and monster on trips with us and leave them in the air conditioned or heated trailer while we go into towns or on hikes where dogs aren't allowed. So goon will get to travel and explore with us and won't be left home anymore.

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