Thursday, July 31, 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Another hot day today

Another hot day and monster went for a short walk. We prevail now resting in the cool house.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Yesterday dog park fun

We went to the dog park last night after it cooled down and Dallas found a few friends along the walk. It's been a while since he has been to the park. While Dustin is home we typically walk to the parks by the house.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Lazy hot day

Another warm day and we are all being rather lazy. Dallas got a morning walk and we will meet suka at the dog park later tonight when it cools off.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Dustin leaves for work

Another busy morning with work for me, then flying home to get Dustin to the airport, quick nap and then soccer.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Another busy day

I have been working a few hours the last few days so it gets busy when I get home. Nap time with the animals.
We went to a small street fair in camas last night and dinner at a brewery.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Dallas was very excited for his walk today and explored the tree line, marking as many as he could of course. And then he was ready to chase the frisbee, started running in the grass and stepped on a bee. Then it was all over. I think I got the stinger out but he still limped all the way home and licked his paw for quite a while. He now has benedryl in his system and is laying down resting. I'm hoping the swelling goes down while he rests!!
Goon of course is keeping him company.

Phone is reset

I had my phone reset today and it seems to be working again. So hopefully blogger will also start working again. I plan on continuing with this blog however and see how it goes.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Up and Running under a new name

I have no idea how to get the old blog back up and running. So the solution I came up with was to start a new one. So here it is.....
The past week you have missed Monster becoming a frisbee fetching dog at the park, Goon finding every box, container and bag to climb in, on, under and over.
We went to the ape caves in mt st helen last week and explored some of the lakes and reservoirs as well.
We decided to go back to another Timbers soccer game in portland and the team won and played well, very excited to have been there to see it.
